
December 2024
With its recent economic liberalization and fresh moves to join the WTO, Ethiopia is becoming an increasingly attractive market. Bruk Geremew and Iyasu Teketel believe a revamped PPP regime could help usher in an exciting future. With one of the largest sub-Saharan economies, and some of Africa’s greatest potential for renewable power production, Ethiopia is...
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Ethiopia’s Parliament has approved a new banking proclamation that paves the way for foreign banks to enter the country’s financial sector. The legislation permits foreign banks to purchase shares in local banks and, with case-by-case approval from the National Bank of Ethiopia, fully acquire them. This marks a major step in opening up Ethiopia’s banking...
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As Ethiopia opens up to the world, the number of commercial disputes is bound to increase. Addisu Hailegebriel and Arega Fentahun spoke to Craig Sisterson about finding the best ways to resolve these. Given the stifling impact litigation can have on business, as Ethiopia opens up and becomes an increasingly attractive investment market, it is...
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