News And Publication

Smart Court System Ethiopia

The Federal Supreme Court of Ethiopia Unveiled AI-Powered “Smart Court System” in Collaboration with the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute

In a significant milestone for the Ethiopian legal landscape, the Federal Supreme Court, in collaboration with...

In the Spotlight: DABLO Law Firm Principal Managing Partner’s Attendance at Angola’s Independence Day in Addis Ababa

DABLO Law Firm Principal Managing Partner Dawit Kidane was honored to attend a reception hosted by...

Insider’s Perspective: DABLO Law Firm LLP’s Standout Moments at the IBA Conference in Paris

The International Bar Association (IBA) Conference of 2023, one of the largest and most prestigious legal...

Key Takeaways from Dawit Kidane’s Participation in the Africa Energy Dispute Resolution Roundtable

Dawit Kidane, an esteemed partner at DABLO Law Firm LLP, is set to play a pivotal...

Draft Personal Data Protection Proclamation Among the three bills Approved by the Council of Ministers

In its 25th Ordinary Session, the Council of Ministers of Ethiopia, with consensus and some additions...

Exclusive Insights: Our Firm Managing Partner to Attend IBA Annual Conference 2023

DABLO Law Firm LLP is excited to announce the participation of our esteemed Managing Partner, Dawit...

DABLO Law Firm Wishes a Happy New Year!

As we celebrate the Ethiopian New Year of 2016, DABLO Law Firm LLP wishes all of our clients,...

Exporters Can Now Retain 40% of their Foreign Currency Earnings

The National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) is reducing the amount of foreign currency earnings surrendered by...
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